Welcome to our new website, after 6 long days of sitting behind a computer screen we have now finished the website. This website is a huge improvement on the previous website we were using, with little features and not much content, we have moved forward and designed a much better site.
We have introduced a search bar for customers who know what they want, they can type in any category, item or even color to find quick results. The homepage now features different sections filled with products, sections include featured products that are products we believe to be very good value and condition. Recently added, for customers who have already checked our stock can see if any new items have arrived without spending too long going through pages of the shop. We have also integrated a slider that shows different offers or promotions we have going on.
You can now view products in a quick view, a feature that allows you to check out the images and description without having to change page.
These are just a few features to name more include videos, social network integration and much more.